Such a thing as to love or be loved! How great and wonderful,is it not? Our whole life we are tought to be in love, that one day love will come! It will find us and we will forever be happy! What about those that never find love? We are not tought how to life without it, how to survie...yet the world brings this unfortinate thing on us all at some point or anyother. How do we survie? Go on with life without love? How to be happy? I have come to find that life is love! We are never alone, never left without the love of man, or of this life that we have! To survie is to thrive! Is to live life to the fullest no matter what we find in the crossroad! To live is to love! Until every person finds this out on their own they will never never be happy with the life they live. So live life! Enjoy life and love like you have never been hurt!